Knowledge Centre

A glass wall and door, with the title Knowledge Centre written on the right pane

Staffed hours

Monday: 9am–5pm
Tuesday: 9am–5pm
Wednesday: 10am–5pm
Thursday: 9am–5pm
Friday: 9am–5pm

Easter opening hours

The Knowledge Centre will be closed from Friday 18 April – Monday 21 April (inclusive).


Access Monday–Friday, 9am–5pm, for University of Oxford staff and students, and Bodleian Health Care Library card holders.

About us

The Knowledge Centre at the Old Road Campus offers workspaces, Wi-Fi, IT and printing facilities and subject collections.

Contact us

General Health Care Libraries enquiries:

Knowledge Centre
01865 289410

Find us

Knowledge Centre
Old Road Campus Research Building

Google Maps  


The Oxford University Hospitals website provides directions on how to get to the Churchill site adjacent to the Old Road Campus. Go to the green Research Building beside Roosevelt Drive. To reach the Knowledge Centre, there is a revolving door and a separate accessible entrance. The library is on the right-hand side of the main lobby space (opposite café tables). 


You can register online or in person to join this library.

Using this library


For disabled readers

The Knowledge Centre opens out into the lobby space of the Old Road Campus Research Building. To reach the Knowledge Centre, there is a revolving door and a separate accessible entrance. If you are a wheelchair user, you can use the intercom in front of the external doors there is an intercom to alert staff to open the door. The Knowledge Centre is located on the right-hand side of the main lobby space (opposite café tables). The entire route is level access.  

The library has an outward facing (into the main lobby) reception desk that is lowered and has a portable hearing loop. All areas within the library are accessible.

The library can provide the following assistive equipment:

  • 10 coloured acetate sheets
  • 2 daylight reading lamps
  • 2 magnifiers

Please ask library staff if you wish to use any of this equipment. The library also has a height adjustable desk and an ergonomic chair.


  • The main reading room has bookshelves and several desks.
  • There is a cafe located just outside the library in the main lobby of the building.