Our libraries and services are available to all members of the University of Oxford, the OUH Trust, and other organisations with whom a Service Level Agreement is in place.
The Cairns Library at the John Radcliffe offers 24-hour access to study and IT facilities. Use your library card to gain access as normal.
The Girdlestone Memorial Library (NOC) at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre also provides 24-hour access, via a fob available on application. Please speak to a member of staff at the NOC Library.
For disabled readers
Detailed accessibility information for the Cairns Library and the Knowledge Centre is available on the University Access Guide.
Use of library computers is not allowed for any illegal, improper, offensive, inappropriate, or unprofessional purpose. Users of IT facilities in the library must abide by the relevant Oxford University and OUH Trust policies.
General information
You are welcome to bring your own laptop computer into the libraries. Some desks are provided with power sockets and network connections.